Beyond Varicose Veins
“According to the American College of Phlebology, More than 40 million people in the United States suffer from varicose veins. Almost 50% of varicose vein patients have a family history of varicose veins. If both parents have varicose veins, your chances to develop the disease are close to 90%. If one parent is affected, daughters have a 60% chance while sons have a 25% chance of developing the disease. The prevalence of varicose veins is greater in women (55%) compared to men (45%). It is estimated that 41% of women over the age of 50 have varicose veins. It is estimated that 50% of the US population over 50 years old has varicose veins. Women who are moderately overweight (BMI 25-29.9) have a 50% increased risk of developing varicose veins compared to women who are not overweight. Women with a BMI greater than 30 are three times as likely to develop varicose veins.”
From the beginning you and your team will learn caveats in physical exam, proper documentation, patient education, and pertinent history
We provide you with all the tools to ensure complete clinical documentation. We have paper and electronic forms and templates for all vein treatment activities including: New patient paperwork, H&P Templates, Venous History, Duplex documentation and reporting, Consent forms, Procedure worksheets, Patient Pre and Post procedure instructions.
The ultrasound exam or “venous duplex” is the heart of any vein program. A well rounded, quality exam is essential for planning and executing a solid vein treatment plan. Proper technique, protocol, mapping and reporting is essential for quality vein treatment.
We assist you in implementing a comprehensive duplex scanning plan that is compliant, thorough and accurate. We provide all the tools to ensure compliance and quality
Our duplex training for technologists, physicians and mid-level providers can not be matched. We train sonographers on live patients with didactic and practical applications. When our work is done, sonographers will be thorough faster and more confident. In most settings, disease detection doubles. Yes, doubles!!
Procedure Training
We offer some of the most comprehensive, relevant and complete procedure training. Our training includes
- Set up, anesthesia prep, aseptic prep, proper technique
- Patient positioning, procedure room optimization
- Access and advanced access techniques.
- Duplex scanning (single and 2-person techniques)
- Tumescent and advanced Tumecent techniques and much much more!
- We are famous for our ability to help
- Clients gain confidence and excel in procedures
Here are some of the procedures and techniques we specialize in. We offer beginner and advanced training depending on needs
Radio frequency Ablation
- Sclerotherapy including:
- Traditional
- Traditional Foam
- Micro-foam sclerotherapy (Varithena)
- Endovenous Laser Ablation (EVLT)
- Incompetent perforator vein EVLT
- Ambulatory Phlebectomy
- Micro-phlebectomy
- 18ga Microphlebectomy
Marketing training: One of the most neglected aspects of starting or growing a vein practice is marketing. Understanding market cycles and techniques is paramount to driving quality patients to your practice. We teach you and your staff how to arrange and implement a marketing encounter with your referring base. During your consult week, we encourage you to arrange a lunch, dinner or talk with potential referral sources. We will do the rest! Our consultants are gifted speakers and would love to give a talk on your behalf
In addition to marketing meetings, we will help you design and develop materials such as brochures, posters and web sites. Our 20 years of experience has taught us what works and what doesn’t. Let our expertise save you thousands from your marketing budget by dialing in what gives you the most return on your marketing budget.
Billing, Coding, Compliance, Authorization
We have the tools and the knowledge to ensure every aspect of your phlebology practice is in compliance with applicable regulations. Our consultants are also experts in assisting your staff with authorization, coding and billing.
Dial in compression therapy and other conservative treatment options
Let us help you pick the right Equipment and inventory for your unique practice. Get the right Generators, medications, instruments and supply. We have real world suggestions for managing inventory and maintaining your equipment.
Strategies & Program
We utilize strategies to build and grow your practice without disturbing your daily operations. We offer a full compliment of services to round out a comprehensive vein program. In addition to VENCLOSE® (endovenous RF ablation therapy) we specialize in phlebectomy, sclerotherapy, compression, risk factor management and education.
Our marketing program works closely with you, your staff and our corporate partners to market directly to your referal base through educational lunches and demonstrations. We also provide support for health fairs, sponsership oportunities and collegue presentations. Our marketing stratagies are very effective and inexpensive. More over, no one does it better. We can provide personalized marketing materials and presentations with your style and needs.
Our turn-key services reduce implementation time by months and ensures net profitability from the start. Yes, net profitability from the very first patients. We pride ourselves on having recieved zero compensation from suppliers, representatives, manufactures or associations. We are constantly evaluating current practices to ensure highest quality, maximized earning and best clinical outcomes.
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